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SLS 3D Printer

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What’s new?

08/10/2024Full Set Of Parts orders for delivery in February 2025 are open.
04/10/2024 – We are going as visitors to FormNext. You can meet us there on 20. – 21. November 2024. Details to be published soon.
03/10/2024Updated version of the STEP 3D Model has been published
25/09/2024 Wiring schemas and related documentation is published
19/09/2024 – New product is here: DIY Set Of Parts – it contains all the electronics, optics, linear technics and the heating components


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Meet Inova MK1

Want your own SLS printer at a reasonable price?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your own SLS printer? I have, and the frustration associated with the availability of this technology has been really huge. So from this point it was a small step to a silly idea – I’ll make my own SLS printer concept. It took me over 3.5 years, but it’s here, open and ready for you!

Looking for a special 3D printing experience?

SLS is truly another world. If you really want to try and understand this technology, Inova is a great starting point. It starts with the build itself and continues with the ability to touch dozens and dozens of printer parameters. But no worries – our assembly instructions will be your good friend and the software solution will allow you to use the printer without any knowledge if that’s the approach you prefer.

DIY SLS 3D Printer Build Blog & More
DIY SLS 3D Printer Build Blog & More

Do you dream of 100% design freedom?

Probably everyone who creates own 3D parts/models has had to struggle with the limitations of FDM and SLA printing. Gravity is relentless.  Supports do work, but everyone tries their best to avoid them because they always spoil (more or less) the resulting print surface quality. For simple models this is often acceptable, but for models with complex geometry, FDM or SLA are often not the right choice. SLS is the only 3D printing technology that does not require supports. 

Need mechanical, chemical and temperature resistant parts?

That’s my favorite thing about the SLS. Since I mostly design functional parts I really appreciate their mechanical, thermal and chemical properties. When I think of the problems related to the printing prototype parts in nylon on my FDM printer, I’m glad I have another option today.

DIY SLS 3D Printer Build Blog & More

Interested in efficient small batch production or rapid prototyping?

If you design or manufacture your own functional products using 3D printing, SLS is the right choice. Since SLS doesn’t just use the print surface, but the entire volume above it (the print chamber), it is the ideal tool for small-scale manufacturing. You can print out dozens of small to midsize parts in one job.

Compared to prototyping using FDM or SLA technology, you not only assess the design and dimensional requirements in each development iteration, but also verify their operational/functional durability.

DIY SLS 3D Printer Build Blog & More

Do you like open source projects?

I believe that sharing knowledge will enrich us all and move us forward. In addition to enabling DIY production of the Inova printer, I see open source approach as a powerful tool for technological advancement. I’m already curious to see if a strong and creative community will emerge around SLS4All that will take what I started a light year further.

Interested in efficient small batch production or rapid prototyping?

If you design or manufacture your own functional products using 3D printing, SLS is the right choice. Since SLS doesn’t just use the print surface, but the entire volume above it (the print chamber), it is the ideal tool for small-scale manufacturing. You can print out dozens of small to midsize parts in one job.

Compared to prototyping using FDM or SLA technology, you not only assess the design and dimensional requirements in each development iteration, but also verify their operational/functional durability.

Do you like open source projects?

I believe that sharing knowledge will enrich us all and move us forward. In addition to enabling DIY production of the Inova printer, I see open source approach as a powerful tool for technological advancement. I’m already curious to see if a strong and creative community will emerge around SLS4All that will take what I started a light year further.

DIY SLS 3D Printer Build Blog & More

Build It & Enjoy Your Prints!

Main characteristics

Printer is particularly suited for rapid iterative prototyping and/or small batch production. Since SLS is the only 3D printing technology that  prints without supports , you can design your parts without limits. As the main material is PA12 Nylon based powder, the printer is primarily designed for functional parts with higher mechanical, thermal or chemical resistance requirements. But printing of soft TPU based parts or experimenting with other materials with melting point under 200°C is also possible.


We’ve done everything we can to make building the printer a  fun and enjoyable experience  that you can enjoy while  understanding the basic principles  of how the printer works. I expect you to be able to build it in say  4 to 7 days No worries  if you don’t have any previous experience with building 3D printers or any other complex projects. Our interactive assembly manual  will help you to overcome any issues with ease.


Once you build the printer, we believe you will forget that it is a DIY product. Our software solution, which is full of wizards  and contextual cues, will give you a quick and easy learning  curve leading to successful prints.

Open source


  • Documentation regarding all mechanical parts and components is available.
  • Documentation regarding the proprietary printed circuit boards (GATE1 and ZERO1) is available.
  • Binary form of the SLS4All Compact will be published in June/July.
  • Source codes of the SLS4All Compact will be published gradually starting at the June/July.


  • Even without the source code you have extensive configuration possibilities advanced development features, custom print material settings, print chamber shape modifications, heating settings, stepper and galvo settings, etc.
  • Frame construction is designed to be easily upgraded or customized.


  • Key electronics and optical components of the printer are proofed, well reputable and commonly available parts which is easy to buy and replace.


  • All resources will gradually become an open source but may only be used for non-commercial purposes. This means that you will not be allowed to produce and sell Inova printers or its parts. See the full text of the Licese agreement.
Full specification
  • Common layer thickness: 100µm
  • Laser source: 10W blue diode laser, 450nm
  • Laser spot size: approx. 350µm
  • XY axes control: Galvo scanner
  • Z axis control: Nema17 Stepper Motor and Ball Screw
  • Build chamber volume: 177x177x200mm (6.3 liters) / 7x7x7.8in (382.2cu in)
  • Effective build volume for PA12 Nylon: 150x150x180mm (4.1 liters) / 5.9×5.9×7.1in (247.2cu in)


  • Pre-heating time: <45minutes
  • Average scanning speed: 2,800mm/s (at packing density 25%)
  • Print speed: approx. 9mm/hour at 25% scanning density at layer height 100µm
  • Cooling time: 30-50% of the print time


  • FW and SW: SLS4All Compact integrating - Low level printer firmware (based on the Klipper), Complex printer management and control software, Automated nesting solution, Slicing features optimized for SLS 3D printing
  • User interface: 7inch touch screen display for complete control of the printer – from setting the printer up, uploading models, nesting, slicing, printing itself and maintenance monitoring.
  • Remote control: complete, via browser
  • SLS4All Compact updates: via internet using „one-click“ procedure


  • Precise temperature and overheating control on the SW side
  • Automatic firmware shutdown in case of any heater or temp sensor failure
  • Completely independent hardware watchdog monitoring the key components functionality.
  • Visual control of the print: 5MP on-board camera


  • Wi-Fi
  • LAN
  • USB


  • Possibility to choose from 110-120V or 220-230V version


  • Plastic polymer's powders ONLY. Not for metal powders.
  • PA12 Nylon based SLS powders
  • TPU based SLS powders
  • Whatever you want to try with melting point up to 200°C

Want to get your hands on print samples?

If you are serious about building an Inova printer and want to have a convincing argument literally in hand, consider a set of sample parts that have been printed directly on Inova printer. Check out the video.

How Inova Looks?

How Inova Prints?

How Inova Feels?


What's on YouTube

What's Up On YouTube



It’s Here – Build Your Own SLS 3D Printer!

It's been ages since my last blog post but today I have a very special reason to do so. I’m happy to announce that full sets of parts of our SLS4All Inova 3D printer are nearing full production readiness. It means that “kits” you've asked me for many times are on the way and you’re very close to the possibility to build your own SLS...
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3 Build 4 Laser & Optics

Laser Sintering Optics: How To, Part 2

I'd like to continue in the topics related to the optics used in my laser sintering printer. In my last post I have already touched the problematics of the suitable laser sources, described why I choose the laser diodes instead of e.g. CO2 lasers, how does the beam shape look like and how to change and collimate it. I ended up with the finding that...
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3 Build 4 Laser & Optics

SLS Laser & Optics: How To Make It, Part 1

One of the tricky parts of the Inova SLS 3D printer project was the arrangement of the optical components. Basically, it was not too complicated topic itself, but it was completely out of my experience and focus field. I had just general idea how should the SLS laser and optics’ arrangement look like and didn’t know any of specific details. If anyone reading this post...
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3 Build

Printer Frame Build In A Few Simple Steps

Frame of the Inova SLS 3D Printer is not the most complicated thing in the world. But despite that, it still has to fulfill some specific requirements. Biggest challenge was to design the printer frame in the way to accommodate all the heated parts and at the same time to hold the heat only in frame areas where is needed. Here are several reasons for...
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3 Build

PA12 3D Printer: Recoater Under The Focus

Manufacturing of the recoater assembly was a pleasure. That was because I did a lot of work at my old-fashioned lathe machine. It is something, I really like to do. In accordance with my Fusion 360 design, I went for the layout containing counter rotating roller even it is not the simplest approach. Despite, it is often used by “big guys” of the PA12 3D...
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3 Build

Heated Chamber Is The Holy Grail: Let’s Make It!

Initial design as well as the electronics setup and firmware selection were behind me so I could move to the Inova build itself. Although it took me a few months to get to this point, now I can shout: “Yes, let's the fun begin, heated chambers and beds are waiting!”.Those words did indeed run through my head, but the spontaneous joy was rather quickly replaced...
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1 General design 2 Electronics

Klipper Firmware, Raspberry & BTT: For Me The Best Combo

I decided to use the BigTreeTech 1.4 Turbo control board and Raspberry Pi 4B both running the Klipper Firmware to control my Inova SLS 3D Printer. If you are interested why and how I came to that, read further. To be able to determine what I will need in terms of electronics and its overall architecture, I had to define all the components to be...
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1 General design

Fusion 360 3D Printer Design: The Most Important Parts

Once I have finished the state-of-the-art search in the field of SLS printing, printers and related DIY projects I moved to first step of the project – features definition and Fusion 360 3D Printer Design. Having in mind I want to have the printer not to be slower than FDM printers, making nice complex prints and be user friendly, I had to make some decisions...
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1 General design

Selective Laser Sintering: Why Not To Make It Affordable?

It has been fairly over a year since I started to work on my DIY Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) 3D printer project. I didn’t think it will be an easy one, but it is much more complicated than I expected. On the other hand, this complexity is also the main reason why I decided to share it.I like the basic goal of selective laser sintering...
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