Touch SLS4All Prints – Sample Parts Are Here!

Touch SLS4All Prints – Sample Parts Are Here!

We opened orders of sample parts a few days ago. So now you have a chance to touch prints from the Inova printer and judge the print quality yourself.

The quantity is limited and we want to reach mainly those who are serious about building our printer (kit or DIY). Therefore, have decided to implement a small charge for them. This is to ensure their availability and to prevent them from being taken solely because they are free of charge.

We have made some initial quantity. This was out of stock very quickly and right now parts are on their way to some of you. Based on that, we allowed back orders and started preparation of more sets meawhile. These are now freshly printed and waiting for the post processing. Check out our store to see the availability and details.

If you are one of those who already has sample parts at home, let us know your feedback. You can do so here in the comments or on the product page in the reviews section.

Check out the video.

Stay tuned 😉



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