Complete sets of parts
Order complete set of parts to build your DIY SLS 3D printer. This package includes everything you need from the printer frame, linear drive and heaters to optics, electronics, etc.
Parts sets are manufactured in batches. Each batch is defined by size, fixed deadline for orders and fixed delivery date. You can currently order in the following batches.
6,490 EUR / 6,990 US$
excl. VAT / Sales Tax
DIY Set of Parts
DIY set of parts is for the people who want to make Inova 3D printer completely by themselves. It includes all the electronics, optics, linear technics and the heating components.
Inova MK1: DIY Set Of Parts
87,500.00 Kč excl. VAT/Sales TaxSample 3D Printed Parts
If you are serious about building an Inova printer and want to have a convincing argument literally in hand, consider a set of sample parts that have been printed directly on Inova printer.
SLS4All Sample Kit
250.00 Kč excl. VAT/Sales TaxSLS4All PCBs
SLS4All PCBs like GATE1 and ZERO1 are possible to order separately. If you decided to build Inova printer form scratch, these are probably the only things you need from us.
ZERO1 Dimm Board
439.00 Kč excl. VAT/Sales TaxGATE1 Control Board
4,490.00 Kč excl. VAT/Sales TaxConsumables
Parts you may need from time to time during printer operation.
Halogen Heater, 2pcs
499.00 Kč excl. VAT/Sales TaxPrinting materials
Coming soon…