Desired Print Quality Is Here!

Desired Print Quality Is Here!

I’m really excited today because I can say that the printer is finally printing at the quality I dreamed of when I started this project.

It took us (me and Pavel) a total of 3 years and 4 months (which sounds terrible). It means several thousand hours with huge swings of satisfaction when something is successful and even bigger and sometimes depressing disappointments.

In the last 4 weeks we’ve been making many prints and step by step we’ve been getting closer, but it’s only today that it’s finally happening. If I had to summarize, most of the problems were related to the precision timing of the XY movements of the galvanometers, the laser switching and the limited system resources that RockPi and BigTreeBoard make available for all the necessary calculations.

So now we will focus full attention on finishing some minor details and mainly on documentation. At the same time, we’ll be printing and printing to maximize our moto-hours and expose any hidden weaknesses. Currently the printer has many hundreds of hours in print mode, but we want more. I expect that we will be able to start releasing the project gradually in about 2-3 months. At the same time, we would like to make it possible to order the first batch of kits.



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